Author Reading:
Alfalfa: The Rascal You Knew, the Character You Never Knew by James Tehrani
Secret World Books | 1774 Second St. | 847.469.4875
MAR. 1 | 2 PM | FREE
Join Secret World Books and local author James Tehrani on March 1 learn more about Carl Switzer, the actor who played Alfalfa in the iconic Little Rascals series. Tehrani brings Switzer to life through extensive research and interviews conducted with people who knew him personally. With never-before-revealed information about his life and his untimely demise, this is the biography of Carl “Alfalfa” Switzer that generations of Little Rascals fans have been waiting for.
James Tehrani is an award-winning writer and editor based in the Chicago area. He has won more than a dozen awards for his work, including several Headline Writer of the Year awards. This is Tehrani’s first book.